Thursday, November 4, 2010

Le Tiers Instruit

 "Ecocritics are, in fact, well equipped to play the role of the engaged, global thinker that Serres asserts is needed given today's global environmental crisis. In Le Tiers Instruit (1991), he details the identity of a person who is both scientifically learned ("savant") and well-cultured ("littéraire"). Bridging the gap between the sciences and the humanities, the hybrid intellectual ("le tiers instruit") applies abstract knowledge to real - social and environmental, or more precisely socio-environmental - problems " (Reconstruction 7.2 2007).

In Le Tiers Instuit, Serres discusses people's identities and how they exist within society. It basically destroys the quote "What you see is what you get" because in today’s society people's appearances don't always match what is on the inside. I can see why Orlan chose to read this during her performance. She was altering her appearance to match who she was on the inside. I don't think she’s weird for doing what she did, or what she did was wrong, if it’s a style that you want then you should embrace it! I feel bad that people perceived Orlan as crazy because we live in a society that is judgmental and biased. I hate that in today’s day if one person does something out of the ordinary, then they are considered weird. I find it interesting that Orlan chose to read Le Tiers Instuit as if it were a meditation to help her get through the surgeries.

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