Tuesday, November 16, 2010


After learning about concrete music in class, I had a new understanding of the type of music I listen to. Whenever I think of music I think of instruments making the sounds. In this case, concrete music deals with sound, but the sounds are not necessarily made by musical instuments. In concrete music, musicians will make music from just about anything that makes a sound. They do this by producing the sound with an object, recording it, repeating it, and sometimes even playing it backwards. This is how beats are made in most of the music I listen to today.

Concrete music was first developed in the 1940's by Pierre Schaeffer when refering to concrete music he refers to the word jeu, from the verb jouer, which in english means "to play" aka "to enjoy oneself by interacting with one's surroundings", as well as "to operate a musical instrument".

This style of music created by Schaeffer has influenced a series of different artists such as Stockhausen who is known as one of the most important, but controversial electronic musicians. His style is a lot different than the style of other musicians. He recently passed away in 2007.

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